McGeorge offers a part-time, 晚上, four-year JD program for students who can devote only a portion of their time to the study of law. 奖学金s are available to help finance your education. Please contact our financial aid office for more information.

The full- and part-time divisions have essentially the same curriculum, 教师, and methods of instruction, and maintain the same scholastic standards and degree requirements.


Part-Time Program At-A-Glance

  • Fall and Spring classes Monday through Thursday 晚上s, 从下午6点开始.m. 至晚上九点半.m.
  • Summer classes in a condensed format, including interesting electives
  • Required courses taught by experienced, full-time professors
  • Access to essentially the same learning opportunities available to full-time students
  • Fall term runs from about the third week in August through just before Thanksgiving
  • The Spring term runs the first week in January through April
professor colatrella lecturing
Evening classes at McGeorge

The full- and part-time divisions have essentially the same curriculum, 教师, and methods of instruction, and maintain the same scholastic standards and degree requirements.

When will I be in class?

During the academic year, 晚上 classes are typically offered on Monday through Thursday 晚上s, 从下午6点开始.m. 至晚上九点半.m. To stay on track to graduate in four years, students also take summer school classes during two to three summers. At times part-time upper-division students opt to take some daytime courses during their third or fourth year, as their work/family schedule permits. There are some opportunities to take classes online or on weekends.

What classes will I take?

Part-time students take the same courses as full-time students, arranged to fit into the 晚上 hours during a four year period. The first and second year part-time curriculum is fixed and students take all of their classes together, with the exception of Global 法律yering Skills I and II, which meet in smaller groups. The third and fourth year curriculum is more flexible, consisting largely of electives and bar-tested subjects. Below are sample first and second year part-time schedules:

  • Analytical Skills Lab (1 hour)
  • Global 法律yering Skills I (2 hours)
  • 侵权行为(4小时)
  • Civil Procedure (2 hours)
  • Total = 9 credit hours

  • Global 法律yering Skills I (2 hours)
  • Criminal 法律 (4 hours)
  • Civil Procedure (2 hours)
  • Legal Profession (1 hour)
  • Total = 9 credit hours

  • Global 法律yering Skills II (2 hours)
  • Contracts (4 hours)
  • 法规 & Regulation (3 hours)
  • Total = 9 credit hours

  • Global 法律yering Skills II (2 hours)
  • Constitutional 法律 (4 hours)
  • Property (4 hour)
  • Total = 10 credit hours

Accelerated Part-Time Program (3.5年)

Some part-time students opt to take additional credits during summer and the third and fourth year to accelerate their graduation date by one semester, meeting the degree requirements in three-and-a-half years, 而不是四个. This is permitted without special approval; however, the Registrar's Office always needs to have a correct expected graduation date on file for each student.

Switching from Part-Time to Full-Time

Upon satisfactory completion of the first year of study, students may apply for transfer between the full-time and part-time programs. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs will consider academic performance to date in making her determination. Students with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA will be permitted to switch.

International Students

JD students with an F-1 Visa must enroll with at least 12 units if attending the full-time program, or at least eight (8) units if attending the part-time program.