
辅导及心理服务 (CAPS) at the 正规博彩十大网站 provides a broad range of therapeutic services including group therapy, 个人, 夫妻会话, 非正式磋商, and online assisted therapy for students experiencing emotional distress, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 调整问题, 和/或更严重的心理健康问题. CAPS also offers psychiatric medication management, 危机咨询, and preventative outreach/education on a variety of mental health topics.


CAPS would like to express our pledge of support to our students, to the campus community and to the community as a whole as actions of hatred and threats of violence continue to occur in the world around us. CAPS stands by all communities who are targets for oppression, 侵略, 微侵犯和歧视. We know that it is essential to come together as a community to promote civil discourse and respect, and take responsibility for promoting an environment of justice, 股本, 多样性和包容性.

When our community is shaken by tragic or abhorrent events on campus or beyond, the CAPS 工作人员 wants to acknowledge the impact of these events on the students we serve, 还有和我们一起工作的教职员工. As believers in every human being’s potential for healing and growth, 我们坚持包容的价值观, 多元文化的多样性, 多元文化的谦卑, 以及社会公正. 我们相信赋予所有人权力, including those who are marginalized and oppressed, 一起和平行动, 挑战不公正, 谴责歧视, and to promote a common humanity of equitable treatment and social cooperation.

We strive to foster a community of safety, openness, acceptance, and understanding. 我们所有人, 包括CAPS的员工, are uniquely affected and respond to controversial and discriminatory acts differently, with an array of complex emotions and viewpoints. We applaud the tireless efforts of campus organizations, 学生团体, and committed 个人s who provide spaces for discussion of all forms of inequality at our University and in our world.

We join voices in making this pledge to all Pacific students, 工作人员, 教师:你的观点, 值, and experiences are welcomed and will be honored at and by CAPS.

你会安全的. 你会受到尊重. 你会被听到.

We invite students to reach out to CAPS as needed for support, and faculty and 工作人员 for tailored outreach programs, 或者转介到社区支持. 我们的电话是209.946.2315 x2. On call 24/7 therapeutic support can be accessed by calling 209.946.2315 x3.

请参阅我们的 与种族有关的暴力支持资源.



Virtual support is available every weekday 8:00am - 6:00pm

地点: 哈尔伯特堂(第五大道3257号.,萨克拉门托)

关闭d weekends, holidays and university seasonal days.



Virtual support is available weekdays 8:00am - 6:00pm

地点: 健康中心,513室 (第5街155号.,旧金山)

关闭d weekends, holidays and university seasonal days.


Virtual support is available weekdays 8:00am - 6:00pm

地点: Cowell 健康 Center Building (across footbridge from main campus — 太平洋校园地图)

关闭d weekends, holidays and university seasonal days.


Our mission is to promote student growth and development, with regard to both personal characteristics and interpersonal competencies. We do this in the service of enabling students to benefit from and maximize their educational experience at Pacific.  We also consistently strive to integrate multiculturalism into the everyday functioning and structure of our agency.  Through the broad range of therapeutic services that we offer, persons may come to appreciate the uniqueness of their personalities and discover new ways to develop their potential. We have seen students make personal progress through the therapeutic process and tools. 

另外, 辅导及心理服务 (CAPS) serves a role within the University at large. 作为校园心理健康专家, we work in conjunction with our colleagues in the Division of 学生生活 toward the promotion of a healthy university environment for all those who learn and work here. We accomplish this part of the mission by providing professional outreach and educational services and by fostering collaborative relationships across the university.

  • Our passion and commitment to students' well-being.
  • Our ability to model and demonstrate self-care and balance.
  • Being flexible and creative in our efforts to assist students.
  • 诚信贯穿于我们所有的行动之中.
  • 接受的哲学和实践, 同情, and support for those we serve and providing an emotionally safe and respectful environment.
  • 支持各种身份的学生,包括, 但不限于:年龄, 性别, 文化, 比赛, 种族, 性取向, 语言, 身心能力, 国家的起源, 宗教, 灵性, 大小, 社会经济地位, 政治的角度, 公民身份, 世界观.
  • A great appreciation for the dignity and worth of each person we encounter.

  • 一个你的声音会被听到的地方.
  • A 同情ate and confidential atmosphere to discuss personal concerns.
  • Specialized therapeutic assistance to students who are encountering adjustment problems or who are experiencing psychological and emotional distress.
  • Our services to Pacific students from all backgrounds, ages, and walks of life.
  • Our skills and expertise to the Pacific community through consultation, 预防服务, 和推广.
  • 服务 that foster the development and behaviors necessary for success at 正规博彩十大网站 as well as in a complex global environment.

  • The unique strengths and challenges of our students, 同时努力提高生活技能, 应对策略, 以及人际关系.
  • The academic mission of the University by assisting students in ways that help them remain enrolled at Pacific.